we've been lacking blog posts (again)... but hope that these photos from the past few months will help redeem our blogging delinquency :).
in february, we hopped over to denver to visit our most favorite schroeders in the world and were able to spend some fabulous quality time with the best 1 year-old nephew ever... melt my heart. (seriously, we do not live close enough to these people.)

our dear friends, craig + kelly, welcomed their sweet little daughter ella into the world towards the end of february... it is a truly remarkable thing to witness people you love grow into such fabulous, unconditionally-loving parents almost instantly.

my brother (a.k.a. one of the most favorite men in my life) came to visit us during his spring break from college... the 3 of us always have such a memorable time together... thanks for visiting, bug!

paul was able to go visit one of our best friends, mark, in boston as mark is finishing up his master's in public health (while also in medical school) at harvard... can you tell we're a bit proud of him? :)
in an effort to save some moola + reduce our carbon footprint, paul sold his beloved honda accord (fondly known to some as 'old blue'). although 'good-byes' are tough, paul is at peace knowing that 'old blue' is out there making some retired engineer's life that much more beautiful.
we went skiing for the first time together in tahoe... i had not been skiing since my middle school or high school years. back then, i was such a good skier that after attempting the first slope, i volunteered to stay back at the cabin and make grilled cheese sandwiches for the rest of the weekend... it went that well. needless to say, the hubs is a patient man to re-teach me how to attack the slopes (it should be mentioned that paul is an amazing skier who thinks that single black diamonds are a little too easy). we did have a great time... i even managed to accidentally go down a black diamond and walk away unharmed... go me!
my sweet momma + aunt debbie came to visit for a few days in april... we had an absolute blast touring wine country, piddling around the city, and celebrating several birthdays. we are so lucky THE sisters came out to visit us!

paul + i headed up to filoli a couple of weekends ago for the afternoon (an estate that is know for it's gardens... paul has been craving to visit for years now). we enjoyed wandering around the numerous gardens and were inspired by it all! maybe one day we will have a home with a similar landscape... here's to dreaming!
in other news, we have recently begun attending a new church and we are loving it! it's such a blessing to finally find a church that both of us are comfortable in and are learning a lot from. last week, we spent our sunday attending easter service at the new church and then traveled up to south san francisco for the evening to celebrate with our 'west coast family' (the rosaias + the collins). a big thank you to cathy + wayne for always making us feel like a part of the family... we love you all so very much!
thanks for being patient while we continue to sporadically update the blog... one of these days we'll get the hang of consistency :). until then, we hope all of you are enjoying these beautiful spring days, and we are sending all of our love from the west coast!
thanks for being patient while we continue to sporadically update the blog... one of these days we'll get the hang of consistency :). until then, we hope all of you are enjoying these beautiful spring days, and we are sending all of our love from the west coast!