Tuesday, November 13, 2012
bridal party luncheon!
Posted by megan mobley at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2012
monograms + mimosas!
Posted by megan mobley at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
settling in...
hi all!
my sincerest apologies for the lack of updates since the last post... but as you might have guessed, we hit the ground running as soon as we set foot in raleigh! it's been quite the whirlwind (it's already november?!), but we are finally settling in to our new stomping grounds. since oodles upon oodles has happened since we last spoke, grab a coffee and get comfy... it's gonna be a long one...
we arrived in raleigh on july 22 and saw our very first home for the very first time (yes, in case you didn't hear, we are the crazy people that buy a house without even seeing it in person first... not even our parents had seen it... did we mention how much we love our realtor?! we obviously placed a huge amount of trust in him!). thank goodness... we LOVED it! we wanted to move in immediately... but it would be about 4 weeks before that would happen...
within the 1st week, paul had started his job (which he loves... another big 'thank goodness'!!) and i was on the hunt for a place to work. i started interviewing at several places almost immediately, but didn't settle on a decision until mid-september. so, as of now, i am working per diem ('as needed') physical therapist at unc hospital with high hopes to transition to a full-time pediatrics position when it becomes vacant (as planned) within the next few months. i am loving working at unc hospital... the therapists are excellent and my boss is a dream! (our neighbor across the street is even a pediatric nurse on one of the floors where i treat... how fun is that?!)
we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on july 28 (less than a week after being back in raleigh) with a treated trip to the angus barn (thanks, mom + dad!)... needless to say, it was delicious!
we spent our actual anniversary day celebrating my cousin's twins' (i call them my niece- and nephew-lettes) first birthdays! caroline (our Goddaughter) + everett get more and more adorable by the day, and it was such an honor to be included in the party! since then, they have both started walking (err, running) and continue to be absolute sunshines in all of our lives!
- alongside his dad, paul re-ignited his sailing fever and participated in the nationals sailing regatta in new bern... they did great (especially for not having sailed together in over 6 years)!
- on labor day weekend, erin flew into town and we met alan, jackie, aunt judy + uncle speedy up in west jeffy to celebrate judy turning the big 6-0... she does that number well!
- the girls took over charleston as we celebrated erin's last hurrah of single-ness september 7th-9th! it was such a treat to spend time with my sister and those who mean so much to her... i think we should have a reunion trip each year!
- our oldest nephew, scott, turned FOUR (4 already?!) right after his rockstar of a dad turned FORTY in mid-september... how wonderful!! we loved being able to celebrate scott + jason's birthdays on the east coast this year.
- paul (+ i) attended his 10-year high school reunion(!!), and we had a great time catching up with old friends and classmates. is it really true that we are getting to the age where we have high school reunions? weird.

(my precious denver nephews and my sweet sis-in-law sending me some birthday love! this photo made my heart happier than you can imagine!)
- my sis-in-law sarah brought her boys from denver to visit for most of october! they stayed at paul's parents' for most of the time, with a gorgeous schroeder wedding that they attended in-between, and we were blessed and happy to get to see them as often as we could. those handsome little ones are growing up so fast... edmund is running all over the place and tasman is the best little conversationalist! oh, how i love my nephews!
- my sweet cousin meredith and i hosted a 'monograms + mimosas' shower for erin in late september. we hosted the shower at our new home, and we were happy to see so many loved ones of erin to attend. we could hardly wait for the big day!
- the next weekend, we flew up to beantown to visit erin + jon and so many of our other close friends who, fortunately, also live in boston (mark, allison, brian... and megan c. joined us from raleigh to boston for the weekend)! it was the best. time. ever. and paul + i want to visit as often as possible from here on out (hope that's okay with y'all, erin + jon!). jon found the best bbq'ed food around, we ate at an amazing (gf) italian restaurant on the north end, we drank delicious coffee and cocktails, and we even managed to run a half marathon during our time there! the weekend was a success... obvi.
- i headed down to charleston in mid-october for one of my dearest friend's bachelorette weekend! whenever all of my bff's from college get together, it's an utter blast filled with scheming and laughter. with all of us scattered across the east coast now, it's hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time... but luckily that will happen twice this year with rachel's wedding festivities! can't wait to celebrate rachel + matt this new year's eve!!
- to kick off erin's wedding week, paul and i decided to take advantage of a north carolina fall tradition... the state fair! we abstained from heavy fried goodness, but we definitely owned the goldfish booth. we came home with 4 new finny friends, but only 1 lasted until the next morning. (spoiler alert: the lone ranger only stayed with us for an additional week before swimming off to a higher place... turns out he preferred eating breadcrumbs to actual goldfish food... who knew?)
- on october 20, 2012, my very best friend married her person!! that's right, my sister is now a mrs. and i couldn't have designed a better partner for her than jon. it makes me smile with a tear in my eye whenever i think of them together... they are MFEO (in case you have never seen 'sleepless in seattle' and just decided to emerge from that rock you've been hiding under - i jest, MFEO = 'made for eachother'). the day, and entire weekend for that matter, was as if it was plucked from a dream. i will post photos from the big weekend in my next few posts... but here is a preview...
- psst! - 10.28.2012 was our sweet 2nd nephew's THIRD birthday!... can you believe that little tasman is already 3?! we are having a tough time believing it, too! happy birthday, tasman charles... we love you SO MUCH and we are thrilled with the little man that you are becoming!!
- we kicked-off halloween 2k12 with our first official year of trick-or-treaters... even hot-dog livi-dog got in on the fun!
- this past weekend, paul had a chance to attend his first ncsu football game of the season while i soaked up working on the pediatrics floor at unc (i think i had the better saturday, hands-down, as state unfortunately didn't pull out a win in honor of paul's homecoming). we wrapped up the weekend with a little half marathon action for the city of oaks races. my bff, meghan, ran her 2nd marathon (as you may remember, we ran our 1st together in sf over a year ago) and kicked it... finishing more than 30 minutes faster than her last marathon! i was pleased to finally break 2 hours for the half marathon... but i think next time i will actually try and train for the race... if you see me around town, ignore my 2-days post-race funny walk.
Posted by megan mobley at 7:12 AM 1 comments