Sunday, May 3, 2009

a new blog has come...

i have much to catch you up on in regards to the past week or so of my break(!!!), but i wanted to quickly tell you about a new blog i created (devoted to my amateur abilities & thoughts in regards to decorating/design... mostly DIY projects)... if intrigued, you can find it here (or type in i figured we'll just use this blog to talk about our little fam, and you can get a further look into my mind (scary!) by hopping over to this new bloggity-blog. feel free to let me know what you think! woot woot...

(i was motivated to create this blog after moving into our new digs and discovering how obsessed i am with decorating on a budget... it's been such a fun & helpful experience so far - maybe it will help spur on the creativity in you, too!)