sarah, paul's sister, and her husband charles live in denver and are expecting a baby boy sometime around november 7th! whoo hoo! could we be anymore excited? we love being uncle paul and aunt megan and are so pumped to meet the newest member of our family this fall! we ventured out to denver in late july to help the lovely schroeders get the baby's room ready and throw a 'welcome' party to welcome them into their new home and prepare to welcome baby boy schroeder. we fondly call him 'sunshine daydream' ever since sarah had a dream very early in her pregnancy (she has the absolute best dreams) that that's the name they decided on... perf!
enjoy some of the pictures from the trip! we really wish we lived closer to these guys... life would be so much more smiley and fantabulous!
the beautiful schoeders + 1!
sarah and her de-licious eclair cake... oooo, a mobley special!
paul's friend, liz, came to visit! they met back in 2004 while both studying abroad in australia. she's such a great friend and lives in denver now so i was finally able to meet her!
before we began the re-do... the walls were [badly] painted purple and had a green ceiling (it actually works well, so we kept it!)
after painting the walls sunshine daydream blue... here come the bright read stripes!

had to put in a gorgeous belly shot of the most beautiful pregnant lady there ever was! can i please look this good when the time comes?

10 minutes before we needed to be out the door to the airport... finished! (we left the trim and closet to paint for my amazing parents-in-law, peggy & david... they came out to visit just a few weeks later)

whoo hoo! best time ever! i love my sarah!!!

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