(please notice tjuta in the background ignoring all things livi)...
backstory on the next 3 photos: about 2340982 people get married at stanford's memorial church each weekend day (ok, maybe an exaggeration, but a lot of fabulous couples get married there)... one of the 5 couples that we saw get married there yesterday stopped us and asked if they could take a few shots with livi. the wedding photographer asked 'can she sit on command?'... paul + i looked at eachother with our fingers crossed + said a hopeful 'yes'... with that, paul was her acting coach (you can see in the 1st photo) + i was too beside myself to get some great shots... but here's what i came up with...
she did pretty well with the mini-shoot but i about died when livi started jumping up on the bride's beautiful gown when she squatted down to pat her... but the new mrs. didn't seem to mind! who would've thought we'd have such a photogenic pup!