Monday, April 9, 2012

four years in the making...

my husband [finally] has a stocking!

a while ago, i decided that i wanted to start a tradition for our family... i would make/needlepoint all of the christmas stockings! we, thankfully, have stockings with each of our families that we enjoy each year, but i wanted to do something special for when we have a home and a family of our own one day.

good idea in theory... turns out i'm not so great with time efficiency (surprised?). i started this bad boy about a year after we got married (we don't currently have a fireplace or mantle... so was there really that much of a rush?), and it's been a slow process to complete. (if you know my wonderwoman of a mother, you know that she can perfectly finish a stocking like this one in approximately a month... if not less... to say that she is skilled is an understatement... i have a lot of catching up to do.)

today... i finished the stocking!

my mom's friend is going to complete it with backing/finishing work, and i'm so pumped to see the final result! now, onto the start of my stocking... wish me luck!
hopefully i'm on a roll and this next one won't take me quite so long...