Monday, March 16, 2009

home sweet home.

a little over a week ago, we moved into our new apartment! it took a lot of sweat, craigslist browsing, brute strength, some tears, the help of two amazing friends (thank you again, taylor & michael!), and a lot of bruises to get everything from hulme apartment 703 to leland avenue... and it has definitely been worth it!

we absolutely love our new digs... i have told just about everyone that i wake up every morning with a huge grin on my face to get to spend another day in our new home. it is perfect. i should be studying some neurophysiology and completing a visit note right now, so i'll leave you with a few pictures we took last week after most everything was settled in the new place (we've had some updates since then).

also, one of our best friends, mark clapp, is out here visiting right now, so we are having the most fantastic time milling around our new stomping grounds with him! (p.s. he reports the couch is uber-comfy... any incentive to come visit? your answer should be "heck yes!") updates to come...


Anonymous said...

The pictures look great!! Wish we could see it in person.

katy :) said...

love it. let's catch up soon strangers!