we were so very lucky to have been able to travel back to north carolina and go on the 2nd annual mobley family beach vacation this past july! we stayed at amazing beach-front house in kure beach and just soaked up a ton of family time that we don't usually get to have since we all live all over the country... did we also mention that we have the absolute cutest nephews ever?! oh my goodness, we are such a spoiled aunt + uncle!
oh my goodness... obsessed with sweet tasman!!! look at that smile!
scott loved to sweep the steps... no grain of sand got past this eye!
my heart just melted.
we ate the most amazing seafood broil! yum yum!
paul trying to get scott to nap with him... precious.
of course sand castles were built!
tasman tot loved the water!
paul + scott discussing the mysteries of the ocean...
and scott ended up finally loving life as a water boy!!!
tasman + his sweet grandma!
needless to say, paul loves being an uncle!
the whole extended family!
the mobley family... spouses, grandchildren + all!
the original mobley family!
thank you, mobley family, for an absolutely fantastic vacation! what fabulous memories we have from that awesome week!
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