we have the best, cutest, most precious nephews in the world...
we are blessed beyond words to be their uncle + aunt.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
be jealous.
Posted by megan mobley at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
tasman charles schroeder!
peggy and david were able to be in denver for the birth of their 2nd grandson and have loved every moment of being grandparents again (and i must say, we certainly love being an uncle and aunt again)! david had to return to raleigh this past monday, but peggy is still being a huge help to sarah + charles as they continue to show what amazing parents they are.
little tasman is quite the precious baby and, even though we've been so blessed to skype with the schroeder family several times, we can't wait to meet our new nephew in person at thanksgiving!
congratulations, sarah + charles! we love all of you so much!

the schroeder 3 shortly after tasman's arrival into the world!

tasman as pooh bear! the schroeders came home from the hospital on halloween just in time to celebrate one of sarah's favorite holidays!

first full day at home and tasman couldn't be any happier! ooo, look at that smile!
can't wait to post more pictures of the newest member to our family! stay tuned!
Posted by megan mobley at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
go, sarah, go!
our beautiful sis (-in-law) went into labor natually late last night and is going on hour 17 of pure pain and discomfort... please send her prayers and virtual hugs while she continues to be quite the trooper and while denver endures the first blizzard of the year (luckily paul's parents got out there right before the snow started falling).
little sunshine daydream sure is blessed to have a mother who is working so hard for him right now! go, sarah, go! you're doing absolutely amazing!
hopefully next time you hear from us we will have another nephew to brag about :-).
Posted by megan mobley at 5:55 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
we're about to be an uncle + aunt again!
paul's sister, sarah, is being admitted to the hospital in about 45 minutes and will be induced tomorrow morning (we are still kinda thinking she might go into labor on her own before tomorrow morning since she's already been having some contractions over the past few days). so, most likely, this time tomorrow sarah + charles schroeder will be proud new parents and we will be an auncle + aunt again!
couldn't be more excited for these two... send thoughts and prayers their way over the next few hours while they anticipate the arrival of their son!
Posted by megan mobley at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
why can't summer last forever?
enjoying the summer breeze in santa cruz with our next-door neighbors, jessie & jameson, and their friend daisy.
7.28.09... otherwise known as our 2nd anniversary... have we really been married for 2 years? my how the time flies...
we celebrated our annivesary fo-real the following friday with a beyond scrumptious dinner at our favorite restaurant, town (thanks to mom & dad for treating us!)
we took tjuta to the beach... and now he hates us.
we biked through the city and came across a wind-surfing competition going on in the bay... paul was super jeal and wished he knew how to wind-surf immediately. soon enough, love.
paul tried to jump into my arms while gazing at the 'painted ladies' in sf.
after my photo-shoot in front of a random white wall in sf...
at vishal & sarah's vow renewal to celebrate their 2nd anniversary!
oh summmer, get back here.
Posted by megan mobley at 9:52 AM 0 comments
anxiously awaiting sunshine daydream...
sarah, paul's sister, and her husband charles live in denver and are expecting a baby boy sometime around november 7th! whoo hoo! could we be anymore excited? we love being uncle paul and aunt megan and are so pumped to meet the newest member of our family this fall! we ventured out to denver in late july to help the lovely schroeders get the baby's room ready and throw a 'welcome' party to welcome them into their new home and prepare to welcome baby boy schroeder. we fondly call him 'sunshine daydream' ever since sarah had a dream very early in her pregnancy (she has the absolute best dreams) that that's the name they decided on... perf!
enjoy some of the pictures from the trip! we really wish we lived closer to these guys... life would be so much more smiley and fantabulous!
the beautiful schoeders + 1!
sarah and her de-licious eclair cake... oooo, a mobley special!
kick, sd, kick!
paul's friend, liz, came to visit! they met back in 2004 while both studying abroad in australia. she's such a great friend and lives in denver now so i was finally able to meet her!
before we began the re-do... the walls were [badly] painted purple and had a green ceiling (it actually works well, so we kept it!)
after painting the walls sunshine daydream blue... here come the bright read stripes!

had to put in a gorgeous belly shot of the most beautiful pregnant lady there ever was! can i please look this good when the time comes?

10 minutes before we needed to be out the door to the airport... finished! (we left the trim and closet to paint for my amazing parents-in-law, peggy & david... they came out to visit just a few weeks later)

whoo hoo! best time ever! i love my sarah!!!

Posted by megan mobley at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
wow, i'm am a really horrible blogger...
i think i might have posted about this, but didn't have any pics that the time... so i will talk about it again... the weekend following paul's bday, we hosted a "PBR (pabst blue ribbon) party" for the quarter-century-old boy. it just so happened that my one of my very best friends, meghan, came to visit at the same time! (although she had an extremely rough time getting out here and only was able to stay for ~36 hours... still, it was the best 36 hours ever and i'm so blessed she was able to come out to visit!)
and the birthday boy's cake...
after i finished my spring semester, i headed back to nc to spend some quality time with family & friends... i planned it just right and was there to see my bug head off to his senior prom - i have the best brother in the world, by the way... and he's so handsome, too!
the next day, momma was sweet enough to sign me up for a cake-baking class at a southern season in chapel hill with her, my cousin, my other cousin's adorable girlfriend, and my aunt. we got to also go to brunch with bear at weathervane before it started... delish!
no trip is complete with out seeing barney! i got to give her one of her shower gifts since i would be able to attend. love her.
to make the trip even more fab... i got to see my sweet nephew scott and the rest of my wonderful in-laws! he pretty much can't get any cuter...
upon my arrival back home, i found paul and jameson (he and his wife jessie live next door to us and have become great friends!) committed to insulating both of our apartments. poor things were so sweaty and hot up there in that small crawlspace above our apartments, but they did a great job and it was so worth it!!!
paul's dad came to visit us while he was in the city for a conference the week before memorial day weekend! it was a treat to spend some time with him and walk around the city...
i enjoyed being artsy-fartsy for a little bit and taking photos of me and paul's rings in the rose garden at golden gate park...
memorial day weekend, we got to go back to raleigh to celebrate sarah & charles' wedding with a reception put on by the mobley family. sarah, paul's sis, and charles were married last spring in new zealand and they were sweet enough to have a reception back in the states so the rest of us could celebrate the fabulousness with them! it was so great to hop around and dance with the beautiful couple who, i can now say, are EXPECTING A BABY!!! oh my goodness, i'm so excited!!! we actually just found out at the end of june that it's going to be a boy, so we are going to have two nephews come november! congratulations, sarah & charles! we are going to see them next weekend in denver, so i'll have plenty of pics to post of sarah and her beautiful belly then! we love you guys!!!
in mid june, paul and i were lucky enough to attend my dear friend deana's engagement party (technically, deana & danny's engagement party :-)). they are getting married next august and we cannot wait!!! congratulations, deana & danny - we adore y'all.
then at towards the end of june, we headed back to nc for meghan and sam's wedding!
meghan's bachelorette party... only a couple of pictures are necessary:
meghan's bridesmaids' luncheon:
meghan and sam's rehearsal/rehearsal dinner:
mr. and mrs. sam & meghan thornton's wedding day!!!:
and then we topped off the end of june and beginning of july with a clarke family vacation to the beach (sunset beach, nc)!
we spent the july 4th evening with peggy & david (paul's parents) and had, of course, the most fabulous ribs ever! it was so wonderful to catch up with them and laugh about all of life's happenings.
upon our arrival back to ca on july 5th, paul had decided to throw a party to celebrate the "5th of freedom" since we weren't in town on july 4th (and paul is oddly obsessed with the fourth of july). we got some of our friends together and played frolf and went fountain hopping on stanford's campus. we then retreated back to leland ave to have a cook-out and relax after a very long day.
this is paul playing in the fountain... isn't he so precious!
well, i think i've caught you up on most everything! paul is still working like crazy in his lab and on july 6th, i started my 2nd full-time clinical affiliation at the palo alto VA. i work in the ICU and am learning a lot! it's also quite nice to come home and have my nights and weekends free to hang out with the hubs and friends... mmmm, real world, i can almost taste you... and it's delicious. now, if only i were also getting a salary...
i promise to not take so long to post again! look forward to hearing about our fun times in denver next weekend! yay!
much love to all.
Posted by megan mobley at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
a new blog has come...
i have much to catch you up on in regards to the past week or so of my break(!!!), but i wanted to quickly tell you about a new blog i created (devoted to my amateur abilities & thoughts in regards to decorating/design... mostly DIY projects)... if intrigued, you can find it here (or type in www.berryclarke.blogspot.com). i figured we'll just use this blog to talk about our little fam, and you can get a further look into my mind (scary!) by hopping over to this new bloggity-blog. feel free to let me know what you think! woot woot...
(i was motivated to create this blog after moving into our new digs and discovering how obsessed i am with decorating on a budget... it's been such a fun & helpful experience so far - maybe it will help spur on the creativity in you, too!)
Posted by megan mobley at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
one sprained wrist & one more semester down...
weee! i'm done with this semester! oh my goodness, could this week have been any more exhausting? my class had the most consecutive finals so far in the program (one last thursday, but one each day since monday... whoa people), but we survived!!! whoo hoo! and the best part is that i came home to a completely clean home... thanks to the hubs - he spoils me so!
speaking of the hubs, paul sprained his wrist pretty badly last night in an intramural soccer game... paul thought it might be broken (and it still might be, the radiologists are going to take a better look at his x-rays on monday), but after a quick trip to the doc today, my thoughts were confirmed by the doc - sprain sprain sprain. poor sweet one, send him some healing thoughts!
i head back to beautiful nc tomorrow morning... while i will miss my amazing husband like crazy, i'm excited to get to spend some time with the fam and friends (and i get to love on our adorable nephew!!! could i be any luckier?!) before starting the summer semester.
i'm coming back to our home in ca next thursday and i'm going to begin some major crafting (i've done some major blog stalking of some design gurus), so stay tuned! it should get crazy! (only 3 days of class a week for 6 weeks this summer + meb's wedding + beach vacay with the clarke clan + starting another 8 week clinical affiliation in july + duh, it's summertime = me loving my life... whoo hoo!).
could not be any happier. :-)
since i'm not fond of posts without pics, i leave you with this...word up. thank you, God, for this break.
Posted by megan mobley at 6:02 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
procrastination at its finest.
i'm supposed to be studying for finals. instead, i am sitting here in the student lounge on campus in oakland (yikes) being anxious for these exams to be over next week so i can start new projects!
i've been inspired by some blog-watching... i want to re-decorate furniture, paint, craft, and sell! wee! just a thought. i'm gonna do it. whoo hoo - look out, i'm getting crafty! i'm addicted to it already and it hasn't even begun... i love the rush of creativity!
dear PT school... i will show you how you haven't stolen my soul... yet.
lame post, so sorry, but i just had to shout it out there so someone can hold me accountable (katy - goddess of all things creative - i'm telling you to hold me to this! :-)).
i leave you with this picture of our sweet little nephew... can't wait to get my hands on him next week (that's right, i'm raleigh-bound from april 24-30... love my life.)!
Posted by Paul and Megan Mobley at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
home sweet home.
a little over a week ago, we moved into our new apartment! it took a lot of sweat, craigslist browsing, brute strength, some tears, the help of two amazing friends (thank you again, taylor & michael!), and a lot of bruises to get everything from hulme apartment 703 to leland avenue... and it has definitely been worth it!
we absolutely love our new digs... i have told just about everyone that i wake up every morning with a huge grin on my face to get to spend another day in our new home. it is perfect. i should be studying some neurophysiology and completing a visit note right now, so i'll leave you with a few pictures we took last week after most everything was settled in the new place (we've had some updates since then).
also, one of our best friends, mark clapp, is out here visiting right now, so we are having the most fantastic time milling around our new stomping grounds with him! (p.s. he reports the couch is uber-comfy... any incentive to come visit? your answer should be "heck yes!") updates to come...
Posted by Paul and Megan Mobley at 9:02 PM 2 comments