Wednesday, July 11, 2012

day 10: our last full day with the schroeders

we cannot begin to fully describe what a fabulous time we have had here in denver with the schroeders! not only were sarah and charles absolutely amazing to let us come stay with them for almost 6 days (!!), but they were also so kind as to take us to all of the local hot spots and let us soak in as much family time as we could!

for our last day, we headed to boulder for the morning/early afternoon. while paul and i bought way too much outerwear at the go-lite store (with 5 different types of jackets purchased between the 2 of us, it's safe to say that we are ready to experience the seasons in full-force this year), sarah, tasman, and edmund romped in the water spouts/fountains (they have those everywhere out here!). 

tasman was a little chilly after his water romp... good thing he had his beyond-precious bathrobe to keep him warm!

telling aunt megan all about the water spouts and how badly he wants to eat from the taco stand just 20 feet away.

tacos = obtained.
edmund = chowing down.

i mean, seriously. how. stinkin'. cute.

tasman wanted to scoot closer to edmund... brotherly love.

our picnic of street tacos! yummers!

and now for photos of tasman eating... because it is also adorable.

turns out the chicken wasn't too spicy, despite an initial protest by a certain strawberry blonde! success!

we arrived back at the schroeder home just in time for the boys... er... tasman... to take an afternoon nap.
edmund thought it would be more fun to try on uncle paul's sunglasses.
2 cool for school naps.

we spent the rest of the afternoon tying up loose ends... packing, getting snacks together, paul planning the rest of the trip (or most of it anyways). edmund... trying to capture the essence of all of the village people in one day... found a rockin' hard hat to sport on the front porch.

we enjoyed our last evening relaxing on the porch and reminisced on all of the fun we have had here with some of our very favorite people. we are so sad to be leaving these 4 lovelies, but will hopefully see them super soon!!

livi dog photo(s) of the day

livi... the not-so-lap dog... keeping guard over the home front... grrr-ing at anyone who emerges from the nearby hospital parking lot. she's so tough, huh?

it's really tiring being the household protector, you know! oh, big livi yawn! hopefully she gets some good sleep tonight... it's off to the black hills and badlands tomorrow!

thank you to the schroeders for their hospitality and fabulous times of the past few days - we will truly treasure the memories that were made! we love all 4 of you so much and are quite blessed to call you family! it has certainly been grand!!

safe traveling and much love,
the mobleys

(p.s. with plans to trek into the wilderness over the next day or two, we might be incommunicado... particularly via internet... yikes! have no fear... i will make up for any delayed posts that might occur as a result. but please keep sending good thoughts and prayers our way as we continue on our journey back to north carolina!... they are much appreciated!)