Sunday, July 22, 2012

day 21: we're back!!

this will be short and sweet, with much to elaborate on later...

we made it to our final destination... raleigh, nc!!

we have seen both of our families, ooo-ed and ahhh-ed over what will be our new home come mid-august(!!), started training the pup with the invisible fence, unpacked the car, started getting our game plan together for the week, and ended the evening with the viewing of the bachelorette finale... what a day!

i will write much more soon, but here are a couple of photos from the day. a huge 'thanks' to our families (especially my sweet bro!) for welcoming us home to raleigh and for being so supportive and loving during this transitional time! we are so pumped for what's to come!!...

much love from these southern digs!
the mobleys


Southern in the City said...

Welcome back meg! Where did you get that tee shirt?!? I want one!

Friend said...

It would be magnificent to hear from the mobleys! Any chance you will pick blogging back up?? :)